KENNY | Class of 2014 | Kitsap Senior Portrait Photographer


Kenny is a senior at Bitburg American High School in Germany and plans to study Forensics at the University of Utah this fall. Kenny is an academic athlete, who currently holds a 4.2 GPA, and is a member of the National Junior Honor Society. He's self-described as being very laid back and fun to be around - very humble in attitude, yet clever. He’s adventurous and devoted to his family.

Kenny’s senior session was split into two different days, due to his incredibly busy schedule with his team’s highly successful football season. The first day we shot in two different locations - a harvested wheat field that bordered the dairy farm where Kenny and his family live. Afterwards, we headed back to the farm where we shot in front of the most amazing weathered barn door.


What would you say is the first thing people notice about you?

My hair and cologne, sense of humor and intelligence

Do you have a favorite clothing brand?

American Eagle

What do you like to do on the weekends?

I like to hang out with my friends, travel, read, hike and catch up on sleep

That's a pretty ring. Where did you get it?

We won the Division II European Football Championships 2 years in a row

If you could go on a road trip with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

My grandfather, Kenneth Hilley

If you could live in any movie, what would it be?

Harry Potter

What are your future plans?

I plan to study Forensics at The University of Utah this fall


Sports Illustrated-Inspired Shoot

Ask any athlete about what goes into becoming their absolute best and they’ll tell you it’s the hours of training, discipline, dedication, clean-eating, self-sacrifice, and working through injuries and sore muscles. Kenny is no stranger to this and has suffered multiple injuries, including a broken nose from last year and a gnarly concussion from this year. This inspiring young man is all heart, 100% fearless and yet remains so humble; it is no wonder why he was elected captain of his football team. 

Are you involved in any sports or extra curricular activities?

I'm a Running Back on my Varsity Football team. I also compete in Basketball and Soccer (my coach says I'm too aggressive) *Laughs* and I'm a member of the National Junior Honor Society

That is incredibly impressive! Are there any hidden talents that we don't know about?

I'm a monster a jump rope

If, every time you entered a room, a theme song played to announce you, what would it be?

The theme song from the movie, Rocky

Do you have a favorite quote?

"Life's not about how hard of a hit you can's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward"

~ Rocky Balboa

"First off just let me tell you how much these pictures mean to me, They are just BEAUTIFUL!!!... I truly mean it, You have a GOD given talent and I am so grateful for you taking the time to work with us. I will be able to look over these for years to come and enjoy them. Again THANK YOU !!! " ~ Kendall Love (Kenny's Mom)

I just want to give a huge shoutout to Kenny's parents, Scott and Kendall. They both acted as my Lighting Assistants and graciously helped haul my lighting equipment all over the place. Kendall buttered up Bitburg's Head Football Coach to let us shoot in the Guy's Locker Room, long after he would normally lock things up. Forever grateful. 

I also want to thank JiminyVintage on Etsy for selling me the vintage intercollegiate football (circa 1950's) we used as a prop in Kenny's wheat field location shoot. 



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